Saturday, October 15, 2011

It's Fall, Why does it still Feel like Summer?

Sooo.. remember the other day I was excited about how nice it felt outside? Yeah, well that didn't last. :( So here is my OOTD for another hot sunny day in Florida.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

A Change in the Weather... Finally!

Sooo, lately I have been complaining about the weather here because it's supposed to be fall and it's still hot as heck! BUT FINALLY today the weather was so nice out. No humidity. No heat. Just a nice cool breeze and cold refreshing air. Believe it or not, I was happy to be able to actually wear a pair of jeans and a half sleeve shirt. Where I live, I can only make it out of the house with shorts and a tank top... the humidity is just x_x So I'm just thankful for the lovely change in weather. Let's just hope it stays this way so I can finally wear some fall outfits.